Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Assignment 3: Colour: Landscape/Nature: Colour Harmony – Similar Colours

This is one of several landscapes I took at the Emerald Lakes in Kranjska Gora. All of the tones are from the yellow/green segment of the colour circle. The lakes are very shallow, the water is crystal clear; what you see on the surface is a fusion of the the reflected light from the surroundings and what is on the lake bed. The image works better if seen larger on the screen. Click the image to see a larger version in a new window.

6828: 1/750s f6.7 105mm programme auto.

Colour Detail: My initial thought was that that a colour diagram for this image  wouldn't achieve much as the hues are within a narrow range of the colour circle. However when I started, I broke the area down into a couple of hues and several exaggerated  tones within each. The result tends to reinforce the abstract nature of the image. The composition has horizontal, vertical and diagonal elements in the banded tones and the vertical reeds. There is also visual contrast in the sharp focus on the reeds, the soft focus of the reflected trees and the light and dark tones in the reflections in the top half of the frame.

This second image for colour harmony was again taken in the Julian Alps. I have exaggerated the saturation and contrast a little to emphasise the blue tones and the layered effect from the perspective. Click on the image to see a larger version an a new window.

6894: 1/1500s f9.5 65mm, programme auto

Colour Diagram: I don't really think this image needs any annotation, the colours are quite distinct. The elements of composition include dark horizontal bands to provide a base, shallow diagonals and several triangles. The image appears to be in slight imbalance with the darker tones shifted to the right,giving movement from bottom right to mid left and back diagonally to top right emphasising the peak on the left and those in the distance.

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