Saturday, 16 July 2011

Assignment 3: Colour: Abstract - Harmonious and Contrasting Colours

In an attempt to introduce some originality into my work, I have included four abstract images to illustrate the four types of colour relationships required for the assignment. Here is the first:

Abstract - Harmony - Complementary Colours

7044: 1/2000s f5.6 200mm

Colour Details: The red and green in the image are in approximately equal proportions to give a harmonious balance in terms of their relative luminousity. I cropped the image slightly, just to reduce the area of red. There is movement from the diagonal checkerplate and the two triangular sections bring the eye to the corners although the red triangle will always dominate.

Abstract - Harmony - Similar Colours
The second image shows a peculiar effect. These limestone pebbles in an alpine stream have this golden colour when submerged, despite the water being perfectly clear. I was attracted by the interplay of light at the surface.

6700: 1/200s f5.6 150mm

Colour Details: Once again I have exaggerated the hues and tones for effect. The compositional elements here are basically a repeating pattern with the centre ground coming in and out of focus and the top and bottom of the frame.

Abstract - Contrast - Different Colours

This next image was originally in landscape orientation but I decided it would have more impact turned through 90°. It is the transom on a fishing boat, partially repainted.

7054: 1/750s f5.6 200mm

Colour Details: This image contains all of the primary colours, dominated by red in area but yellow in luminosity. There is an imbalance here which provides the contrast. Movement across the frame is provided by the diagonal contrast between the red and yellow.

Abstract - Contrast - Colour Accent

This final abstract image is of the reflections in the Emerald Lakes at Kranjska Gora with a red colour accent.

6806:  1/750s f5.6 200mm

Colour Detail: I need to do no more than emphasise the red accent on the image. The compositional elements include a lighter toned band at the base of the frame, tonal contrast and vertical reflections if the trees on the shore of the lake. I tried several different shots and this was the best. The slight breeze on the water has blended the varying tones of the reflections which looks more interesting than a mirror like surface.

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