Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Part 2 Elements of Design; Project:Lines, Horizontal and Vertical Lines

Exercise: Horizontal and Vertical Lines

Objective: To find some of the different ways in which horizontal and vertical lines appear to the eye and  to the camera. Produce four examples for each.

4659: 1/1000s f8 75mm
The lamp post was the vertical man made structure in this image but the strong vertical line of the different  tones of the two faces of the building added another vertical. It also divides the frame in a similar proportion to the lamp post.

4696: 1/640s f6.3 105mm
There are several verticals here, the obvious obelisk but at the base, the bronze commemoration panels and the corners of the lion's plinths There is strong upward movement too and implied movement  from the low viewpoint and the strolling couple at the base of  the picture.
4683: 1/250s f5.6 200mm
I have zoomed in at maximum focal length for this block of flats with the vertical window panels. There are horizontal elements here too, the row of posts on the green in front of the building and the course of contrasting red bricks at the top of  the block.

4670: 1/200s f7.1 32mm
From an acute angle, the many railings on one half of this gate merge into one, the sunlight on one face differentiating individual sections. On the closer gate, the colourful scene beyond is broken up into tantalising glimpses.


4675: 1/500 f6.3 90mm
Obvious horizontals here. I liked the layer effect with the road surface, seat, pavement, three sections of wall divided vertically and the supporting frame for the clear polycarbonate wall of  this bus shelter. The sharp focus of the seat and frame lend an enigmatic quality to the out of focus bicycle.

4669: 1/640s f6.3 60mm
More layers, this time all in focus, all man made structures and  movement with our traveller walking purposefully across the frame.

4724: 1/320s f4.8 60mm
The risers and treads of these steps are lit and in shadow giving strong horizontal contrast across the frame.

4694: 1/500s f11 36mm
I wanted to use the horizon as one of my lines for this exercise but it was hazy and indistinct out to sea so I created a false horizon with the roof line of this beach side cafe´.

What did I learn? Looking at all of  the images I have taken for the exercise, they are dominated by man made structures. I started thinking about finding some naturally occurring lines and looked through my archive and found these:
Vertical: Nature's uprights are seldom exactly that. It is said that nature abhors a straight line. These two illustrate the point but the sense of upward movement is there and also the sense that the breeze will rearrange these flower heads in an instant. Not so with the trees, more stability and permanence

Horizontal: A device for diving the frame, below and above the halfway point in these two beach shots of Northam Sands in Devon and Pilsea Island in Sussex.


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