Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Part 2 Elements of Design; Project: Shapes

Exercise: Real and Implied Triangles

Objective: Produce two sets of triangular compositions in photographs, one using 'real' triangles the other making 'implied' triangles

Real Triangles
4883: 1/640s f5.6 200mm
This triangular finial is part of a window frame moulding on a nearby shop front.

4907: 1/250s f8 18mm
As mentioned in the course book, triangles are easy to find so I couldn't resist including this triangulation pillar............

4916: 1/500s f5.6 112mm
...............or the triangles in the unique "Rheinish Helm" tower of Hampshire's Hawkley church.

4909: 1/800s f5.6 135mm
The "tramlines" in this crop form a converging triangle by perspective. The triangular warning sign on the brow of the hill was a pure fluke. I didn't notice it until I viewed the image on the screen.

4917: 1/125s f5.6 18mm

Ceiling panels in the passenger lounge of the Isle of Wight Ferry provided the inverted triangle for this perspective shot.

Implied Triangles:

4924: 1/125s f29 36mm

4929: 1/160s f32 52mm
Simply rearranging these vegetables has provided interesting triangles within triangles. As illustrated in the section on multiple points, the vectors suggested by the shapes help determine the way the eye moves over the picture.

4918: 1/200s f7.1 18mm
I have used the faces in this image to form the triangle. It is also noticeable that the musician's right arm and shoulder strap form another triangle with the seated figures, reinforcing the importance of the diagonals in a composition in creating a stable image.

What have I learned? The triangle, real or implied is the most common shape to be found in composition. As it will always contain at least one diagonal or maybe three, an implied triangle can add movement to an image. In addition, a flat based pyramid shape can also provide stability (as above). In still life photography it is used to bring order to an image by producing a simple graphic shape. Wide angle lenses can exaggurate the effective size and angles of triangular shapes. In this way they can add a useful emphasis to a composition.

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